
星座解析- 2023-06-11 12:01:20


Title: 目标任务计划书 English
This document outlines our overall goal for the upcoming year. It is to achieve a target score of 90 on the English exam and improve our overall academic performance.

1. Improve our English language skills
2. Improve our reading and writing skills
3. Develop a strong academic foundation
4. Reduce our stress and anxiety

1. Regular English classes: We will take regular English classes to improve our language skills. We will also practice our speaking and listening skills in the classroom.
2.阅读 and writing activities: We will阅读 various English materials, such as books, articles, and newspapers, and write our own English assignments. We will also practice our writing skills through group work and feedback.
3. academic foundation: We will work on our academic foundation, including studying important concepts and topics in English class. We will also work on our math and science skills to build a strong academic foundation.
4. stress and anxiety management: We will practice stress and anxiety management techniques, such as meditation and deep breathing, to reduce our stress and anxiety.
In conclusion, our goal is to improve our English language skills, improve our reading and writing skills, develop a strong academic foundation, and reduce our stress and anxiety. We will use regular English classes,阅读 and writing activities, academic foundation, and stress and anxiety management techniques to achieve our goal.
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